完全一样的逻辑,都用了排序+priority queue,特么的Java就全错+超时!C++就过了,我干他PAT的娘!
1:qsort 的cmp 写成:
if(c1->arrTime < c2->arrTime){而不是直接return(c1->arrTime - c2->arrTime)
Customer * records;scanf("%d", &n); records = (Customer *)malloc(n*sizeof(Customer));//用malloc(头文件stdlib)分配内存,记得要free,:
priority_queue, greater > windOpen;//不是PriorityQueue!,头文件是 //STL里面定义了一个仿函数 greater<>,对于基本类型可以用这个仿函数声明小顶堆priority_queue , greater >qi2;//另外priority_queue没有Java里PriorityQueue的poll(),只能用top()+pop()实现
4:char s[20];//不能用char * s,在scanf时出错,why?
//char s[] = "abc"; //都OKchar * s = "abc"; //编译OK,运行出错 printf("old s = %s\n",s); scanf("%s",&s);printf("new s = %s\n",s);
5: 最后一个test块为什么输出waitTime都是0?算了算了...反正不影响结果
#include#include #include //提交PAT时要以C++文件提交using namespace std;//干他娘的现在std又没有红线了typedef struct{//不是类, 属性不会自动初始化为0!需手动初始化! int arrTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int proTime; int endTime;}Customer;int cmp(const void * a, const void * b){ Customer * c1 = (Customer *)a;//转换为指针,不是对象! Customer * c2 = (Customer *)b; // if(c1->arrTime < c2->arrTime){//指针,所以用-> return -1; }else if(c1->arrTime > c2->arrTime){ return 1; } return 0;}int getTime(char * c){//fuction to convert arrive time string to seconds int res = 0; int h = (c[0]-'0')*10 + (c[1]-'0'); int m = (c[3]-'0')*10 + (c[4]-'0'); int s = (c[6]-'0')*10 + (c[7]-'0'); res += h*3600 + m*60 + s; return res;}int main(){ //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); //freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); int i, n, k; double res = 0; Customer * records; scanf("%d", &n); scanf("%d", &k); records = (Customer *)malloc(n*sizeof(Customer));//用malloc(头文件stdlib)分配内存,记得要free, priority_queue , greater > windOpen;//不是PriorityQueue!,头文件是 //干他老母默认是倒序!所以 //STL里面定义了一个仿函数 greater<>,对于基本类型可以用这个仿函数声明小顶堆priority_queue , greater >qi2; int validCustCnt = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ char s[20];//不能用char * s,在scanf时出错,why? int arrTime, proTime; scanf("%s %d",s,&proTime); arrTime = getTime(s); proTime *= 60; if(arrTime <= 17 * 3600){ Customer c; c.arrTime = arrTime; c.proTime = proTime; c.endTime = 0;//手动初始化 c.startTime = 0; c.waitTime = 0; records[validCustCnt++] = c; } } qsort(records, validCustCnt, sizeof(records[0]), cmp); //test /*for(i = 0;i < validCustCnt;i++){ Customer c = records[i]; printf("arrive=%d pro=%d\n",c.arrTime,c.proTime); printf("startTime=%d endTime=%d waitTime=%d \n",c.startTime,c.endTime,c.waitTime); }*/ for(i = 0;i < validCustCnt;i++){ Customer c = records[i]; int openTime; if(i < k){ openTime = 8*3600;//first k customers start at 08:00 }else{ openTime = windOpen.top();//find the earliest free window windOpen.pop(); //priority_queue没有poll() } c.startTime = c.arrTime < openTime ? openTime : c.arrTime; c.waitTime = c.startTime - c.arrTime; res += c.waitTime; c.endTime = c.startTime + c.proTime; windOpen.push(c.endTime); //test //printf("wait=%d pro=%d\n",c.waitTime,c.proTime); } //test //for(i = 0;i < validCustCnt;i++){ // Customer c = records[i]; // printf("wait=%d pro=%d\n",c.waitTime,c.proTime);//why the waitTime is 0 here,why????? //} if(validCustCnt > 0){ res = res/(validCustCnt*60);//seconds to minutes }else{ res = 0; } printf("%.1f",res); free(records);//释放内存 //records = NULL;//将指针指向NULL(不是null!),防止被误用 return 0;}